
There are many ways that lawyers and students can give their time and expertise pro bono. Whether you want to join an existing scheme or set up your own programme, we have information that will help get you started.

What is pro bono volunteering?

Many lawyers and students are keen to get involved in pro bono work and there are a lot of different ways to do it. Giving your time and expertise to help someone achieve access to justice is always worthwhile.

There are many existing schemes that you can join and numerous charities happy to receive legal assistance. We are here to help you find the information you need to get started on your pro bono journey.

Are you a barrister?

Practising drafting and representation skills are essential to a career at the Bar and pro bono work is a brilliant way to practice these with real-life cases.

How you can help

Are you a solicitor?

Whichever area of law you specialise in, there will be an organisation that needs help from you. Pro bono work can also help you to gain a secondary specialisation in a different field.

How you can help

Are you an in-house lawyer?

We understand the challenges facing in-house lawyers who want to fit pro bono work on top of an in-house career. There are specialist groups to help inspire you and achieve your goals.

How you can help

Are you a student?

It can be difficult to gain valuable experience so early in your career, but there are many organisations that can use your skills and give you practical experience to help you get started.

How you can help