Advice Line Volunteer [family law] Rights of Women

  • Remote

Do something great in 2024! Volunteer at Rights of Women (remote)


We are seeking qualified, women* family solicitors, barristers and qualified legal executives to provide legal advice on our family law advice lines. The role is carried out remotely so we welcome applications from across England and Wales. Details of how to apply and the role description can be found here.


Rights of Women is a feminist legal rights organisation which specialises in supporting women who are experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing, all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), including domestic and sexual violence. In our approach we recognise the additional barriers posed by the intersection of gender-based abuse, racism, structural inequality and other forms of discrimination and oppression that impact on women’s vulnerability, exclusion and marginalisation. We empower women to make informed choices where they come into contact with the legal system so they can live free from violence.


Our free telephone advice lines have provided many thousands of women with legal advice and information on a wide range of issues and we could not continue to provide this vital support without volunteer lawyers offering their time and expertise.


We welcome applications from those with a full practising certificate and a specialism in family law. All volunteers will be provided with advice line skills training and we ask for a minimum commitment of one two-hour advice session each month.


*Occupational Requirement (Equality Act 2010, Schedule 9 Part I) applies